As the sun spins around this little rock we call Earth, Mount Pleasant people are counting the days until the warm and carefree days of summer arrive. It’s not that you can’t enjoy DCP in the winter months, it’s just that the park goes from level 10 to level 11 in the months of June/July/August.
In fond recollection of summers future and past, here are some things to do in Dude Chilling Park in the summer. #Listicle #Top10
1. Farmers’ Market
Most Sundays from June until August, the Mount Pleasant Farmers’ Market goes down in spectacular fashion. Pick up some kale, pet some dogs, get a coffee, eat some chicken, talk to your neighbours–the market has it all!
2. Yoga in the Park

Almost every single day, and often multiple times a day, free yoga in Dude Chilling Park is a big draw for the locals. It’s free, by donation. Many of the instructors are world class, and those that aren’t have plenty of pizzazz (an attractive combination of vitality and glamour).
3. Create Art
We got an art exchange, we got space to do art, we got creative people, we have creativity enhancing substances like grass. Take the opportunity to make some art. And Hot Art Wet City is just around the corner too!
Check out that sign though! It’s a double entendre.
4. Picnic
Grass, food, people. You put it together. Dude Chilling Park is home to spontaneous potlucks and group gatherings. As a matter of fact, the park gets so packed during the weekends in the summer that you best make a reservation.
5. Tennis
BYOTR! Bring Your Own Tennis Rackets! (And balls). Double courts, side by side, caged… for your pleasure!
6. Renaissance “Acting”
Different strokes for different folks. Some folks love to play frisbee, others like to practice singing. Others like to dress up and joust and sword fight, or play the lute and the flute. DCP’s got it covered and yes, this does happen in the park.
7. Volleyball
Yup. We got that too. Bring your own nets and balls, we got the poles.
8. Other stuff
Really, the park is a place for free people to do whatever they want. The sky’s the limit and we’ve seen it all in DCP. Some people run their dogs around while others practice Tai-Chi. Some people play bocci ball while others have bike parties. Folks love to set off fireworks, especially on weekend nights. Others like to sleep on the benches, and some people bring their telescopes out. That’s what makes the park great and greater than uppity parks like Stanley Park or Central Park.
10. Honourable Mention

So there you have it! ONLY a few days left until Summer! Start your engines folks!